Sunday, 19 February 2012

For the love of....Organizing

  People who I meet to give organizing quotes ask me all the time "why do you like organizing"?  My reply, "Because I am good at it, and I enjoy helping others feel better about their home/office".  Another question I often get "doesn't this overwhelm you"  and my response "No, not at all, I know where to begin and within a few minutes of looking at clutter I can figure out my plan of attack, and believe me some places I have done, that was what I needed to do, attack!!  In my opinion you either have it or you don't.  I tell my clients there is no need to be embarrassed to need someone to help with organization.  I need help when I am sick, I go to the doctot to help me get rid of my cold...what's the difference needing someone to help you get RID of clutter? (unwanted items = unwanted cold). I have had a few jobs in my past, some I was good at and enjoyed (nanny) and other jobs not so much (Dairy Queen for 3 days).  I am not a corporate kinda person, I am too outspoken and opinionated for that, the gossip that goes on in offices, not my cup of tea.  Being my own boss is where I have always felt I do better, that independant side of me (being an only child may have lots to do with that :)  My motto if you got it flaunt it and I am flaunting THERES A PLACE FOR EVERYTHING AND EVERYTHING SHOULD BE IN IT'S PLACE!!!

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