Sunday, 19 February 2012

For the love of....Organizing

  People who I meet to give organizing quotes ask me all the time "why do you like organizing"?  My reply, "Because I am good at it, and I enjoy helping others feel better about their home/office".  Another question I often get "doesn't this overwhelm you"  and my response "No, not at all, I know where to begin and within a few minutes of looking at clutter I can figure out my plan of attack, and believe me some places I have done, that was what I needed to do, attack!!  In my opinion you either have it or you don't.  I tell my clients there is no need to be embarrassed to need someone to help with organization.  I need help when I am sick, I go to the doctot to help me get rid of my cold...what's the difference needing someone to help you get RID of clutter? (unwanted items = unwanted cold). I have had a few jobs in my past, some I was good at and enjoyed (nanny) and other jobs not so much (Dairy Queen for 3 days).  I am not a corporate kinda person, I am too outspoken and opinionated for that, the gossip that goes on in offices, not my cup of tea.  Being my own boss is where I have always felt I do better, that independant side of me (being an only child may have lots to do with that :)  My motto if you got it flaunt it and I am flaunting THERES A PLACE FOR EVERYTHING AND EVERYTHING SHOULD BE IN IT'S PLACE!!!

Thursday, 16 February 2012


Why is it, on occasion I try to got to bed early something always stops me?? (toddler wakes up, dog barfs, bodily functions...).                              

Why is it that I can be outspoken to a stranger but to family members I keep feelings bottled up??

Why is it when I have an opportunity for a great photo my camera battery is exhausted??

Why is it that my to-do list on my days off just keeps getting longer and longer??

Why is it so hard for me not to be untidy??

Why is it when your in a hurry there's traffic, you need gas or your car breaks down??

Why is it so hard to understand men?? (And vice versa, we aren't easy to live with all the time).

Why is it so hard for me to go to bed at a half decent hour??

Why is it so hard to see your children get older??

Why is it so hard to get ahead financially??

Why is it when your hungry there's nothing good to eat in the house??

Why is it so difficult for me to learn to cook??

Why is it so hard to get that damn song or thought outta your head?? (Especially in the early mornings when I am trying to go back to sleep).

Why is it not fun to listen to your parents talk about their ailments??

Why is it so hard to watch your parents get older??

Why is it I am addicted to my Blackberry??

Why is it I keep asking myself why??